American Airlines makes NDC commitment with new GDS deals

American Airlines has signed new agreements with Sabre, Amadeus and Travelport.
American Airlines has signed new agreements with Sabre, Amadeus and Travelport. Photo Credit: American Airlines

American Airlines has signed new agreements with the three major GDSs -- Sabre, Amadeus and Travelport.

The airline said that with these agreements, American is "moving into a content model with each GDS where American will be making the content commitment to the agency."

"Agencies can continue to access American's content via Amadeus, Sabre or Travelport, assuming these are the GDS they have selected," the airline said in a statement. "American is committed to delivering enhanced content using NDC technology and starting in 2023, agencies will need to shop and book through NDC technology to have access to the best available third-party public content."

American also said, "Starting in Q2 2023, agencies that are connected to American's NDC solution will have the opportunity to access our best third-party public content. Agencies that connect to NDC directly, via any GDS or aggregator will be eligible."

While American did not specify the length of the GDS agreements, it said they were "long-term."

According to the airline, the agreements give it "content flexibility" to provide content and fares through NDC connections and direct channels. NDC content from American is already available via Amadeus and Travelport. It will come to Sabre in early 2023.

"We are proud to sign these new agreements and continue to strengthen our relationships with the three leading global distribution systems," said Scott Laurence, American's senior vice president of partnership strategy. "We look forward to working with our distribution partners to expand our retailing capabilities, using NDC technology, to provide travel retailers and customers the products and services most meaningful to them."


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