Jamie Biesiada
Jamie Biesiada

How do you set boundaries with clients? What do you do when you're out of the office? And how do you surprise and delight clients while they're traveling?

Hear how one advisor, Disney specialist Melissa Sanchez, does all that in the Q-and-A below. Sanchez owns the Rochelle Park, N.J.-based Spellbound Vacations.

This is the second part of our conversation. To read the first, and get her advice on how to become an expert in any product, click here.

Q:You do something interesting in your email signature. You list your upcoming out-of-office dates and where you're going. You also include your office hours (Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Eastern time). When did you start doing that, and why?
A: Pre-Covid, I basically would work 24/7. If you needed me, I was available. I was always stressed out about something, and I didn't have what I would call boundaries when it came to me and my clients. During Covid, all of us basically lost our whole businesses. When things started opening up again, I re-evaluated: What did I want this business to look like? What did I want my personal life to look like in relation to this business, where my office is in my house and I can literally walk across the hall from my bedroom to my office whenever I want?

I decided that set office hours were incredibly important to me, and I stick to them as much as I can. Those office hours are more so when I'll take phone calls, that's when you can schedule a call with me. Obviously there are always exceptions if people need to talk at night or on the weekends, but I just decided that I needed to let people know this is when you can reach me. It has been really great for my mental health and my stress levels.

As for the out-of-office dates, I try really hard not to spend my days that I'm out of office working. I know a lot of agents do spend a lot of their vacations working, but I like to let my clients know this is when I'm out of the office. This is when you can reach me. I'll check my email in the morning, I'll check it in the evening. If you have an emergency, obviously you can reach out to me -- this is my cell phone number. But I try really hard to have that personal time, that family time, have that vacation myself, because I think everybody needs it.

Q:Do you have another agent who will take care of urgent business for you when you're out of office?
A: I do. I have a specific agent within Independent by Liberty Travel that we will cover for each other. However, if she's not available or if she can't do it, Independent by Liberty Travel has a system in place where you can request coverage.

Q: With Disney, you're obviously planning hotel stays and getting clients' park tickets. Is there anything really unique you've planned that's stood out in your mind?
A: One of the cool bookings is when you have clients that have the ability to do a VIP tour, which is great because you can basically customize everything for them -- what rides they're getting on, what shows they want to see. It's such a great way for guests to be able to experience the park on a more personal level and not have to struggle with those crowds.

One of the things I do for my clients, and it doesn't necessarily have to be a special event, but I use a supplier to send cookies to their room. At some point during their stay, it'll be delivered. It's just kind of a surprise and delight -- they're not expecting it, but here's a little treat, hope you're having a great time.


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